Genital inflammation device development
Prof Jo-Ann Passmore is the head of the Mucosal Immunology Group, Division of Medical Virology, Department of Pathology; member, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine (IDM) at UCT; Principle Medical Scientist, National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) Joint Staff. Prof Passmore’s research has focused on studying genital tract adaptive and innate immune responses associated with protection from, or susceptibility to, sexually transmitted diseases including HPV and HIV. She is specifically interested in studying biomarkers for susceptibility and protection to HIV infection, including secreted inflammatory molecules, genital immune activation and HIV-specific immune responses present in the female genital tract. Jo-Ann has been principal investigator on several large grants from the European Developing Clinical Trials Platform (EDCT), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Wellcome Trust, the South African HIV/AIDS Research Platform (SHARP), the South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI), the HIV Pathogenesis Programme (Doris Duke Charitable Foundation). the Medical Research Council (South Africa and the Poliomyelitis Research Foundation. These have supported investigations on the impact of the female reproductive tract mucosa on risk for HIV and HPV infections, and pathogenesis following infection.
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