Exposure to lung-migrating helminth protects against murine SARS-CoV-2

Dr Oyebola Oyesola earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Motivated by her interest to better understand diseases of global and zoonotic importance, Bola pursued her postgraduate training in Infection and Immunity at the University of Leicester. United Kingdom via a commonwealth fellowship program. She consequently returned to Nigeria to join the African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases. Her interest on how immune responses are generated and regulated following exposure to InfectIous agents led her to pursue a doctoral program in immunology and infectious disease at Cornell University. During her doctoral program in the Tait-Wojno lab, Bola gained experience, insights, and expertise in her understanding of how immune responses are initiated and regulated during Type 2 inflammatory conditions including during parasitic helminth infections. She was instrumental in dissecting the role of prostaglandins in regulating mucosal responses during Type 2 inflammation. Dr Ovesola subsequently moved to the loke lab at the laboratory of Parasitic DIseasesNIAID, NIH for her post-doctoral training. Here, her interest is centered around understanding how an individual’s history, macro/microenvironment and/or genetic factors can influence disease susceptibility. pathogenesis, and outcomes. Dr Oyesola is a recipient of numerous awards and was recently awarded an NIH Independent Research Scholar award. Here, she will continue her studies at the Laboratory of Parasitic DISeases NAD to understand how previous helminth intection can reprogram the immune system and influence responses to subsequent insults.
